Interactive Scene Reconstruction

Project Description

In this proposal, we outline a design for a simulation framework aimed at generating interactive physics-based objects from 2D RGB images of a scene, facilitating further analysis and study by users.

1. Object Detection with PyTorch

Utilized a pre-trained PyTorch ResNet model to detect objects within the image and extract their x, y positions.

2. Depth Estimation with Midas

Employed a pre-trained Midas model to estimate the depth of objects within the image, providing z-axis positional information.

3. Reconstruction with Panda3D

Utilized Panda3D to reconstruct the scene by incorporating positional information and generating 3D representations of objects for inclusion in the simulated environment.

Developed an algorithm to search for low-fidelity 3D representations of objects detected in the image using Sketchfab, a platform offering free 3D models.

5. UI Interface Development

Created a user-friendly interface using Tkinter to allow users to cycle through and select the closest 3D model corresponding to the detected object in the photo.

Main Libraries Used

  1. PyTorch
  2. Panda3D
  3. Tkinter

GitHub Repository

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